Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bizarre Effects On Teens

Yesterday, I read the STAR newspaper and saw this article. I taught I could share this here because some people don't read newspapers so they don't know what's going on. I've summarized it. Its important for you all to read it.

Boys develop breasts, girls grow bodily hair due to hormonal imbalance.

Did you guys realize nowadays that male grow breasts, while female teenagers are getting more hairy? This is sort of a sickness called gynecomastia for the male. Compared to the past, there are many girls with terrible hair problem. They are loosing the hair on their head and grows on somewhere it shouldn't be and the hair is long and thick.

This is caused by the food chain and diet they took. Children are eating too much animal-based food and those animal fed with a lot of growth hormones. Nowadays, people mostly have meat for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Bad oestrogens was also entering our body from plastic materials such as fizzy bottled drinks which "bleed" bad oestrogens. Those plastic containers we use to warm our food, the polystyrene boxes in which we pack our food, the plastic bags we pour the curry into, the roti canai we warp in plastic bag. All of those bleeds bad oestrogen substances and it contains alot of pesticidles, insecticidels. This will manifest in different ways for those of different ages.

Due to Xenostrogen instead of producing testosterone, the bodies of teenage boys are converting into a harmful 16 hydroxyoestrone. Which resulting, lost of hair and the development acne, abdominal fat, and abnormally sized breasts.

I don't mean to copy and make it my article. Just sharing =)

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